Monday, November 18, 2013

Aam Aadmi Party

The convenor of the Party (you) the common man Arvind kejrival now on janlokpal movement gathered funds to use in the election. in this regard, the complaint letter by Anna hazare conflict on hold. the kejrival says that if those charged with rigging the donation proved so he will leave during the election at a throw black ink on kejrival by Anna supporter protest Staking.

Kastityushan Club held on Monday at the kejrival proposed that justice Santosh hegde or those like the image received from donations and a Retd judge "you get as a donation after the formation of the bucks use inquiry. investigators should do whatever information shall be available.

Anna kejrival, request that if this condition is not a fault in them must promise that the election in the last days of the ' you ' of Delhi to come. She explained that prior to Fund started in April 2011 by 54 million. down 14 million bucks ended the movement.

Then make a special audit of revenue-expenses 23 the information was put on the website. on the other hand, the person throwing black ink on nachiketa kejrival alleged that he used the name of Anna in the election campaign are inexplicably. from this event for a while became an atmosphere of cool tempers, the BJP activists also reported. nachiketa.