Tuesday, January 29, 2013

Australia broadcasting programme

Indian nurse jesantha after one and a half months to close by saldanha suicide in Australia broadcasting programme of "naughty phone 2de FM ' radio station has stopped forever. significantly, the British King Edward midlatan dachej of Cambridge hospitalized Kate plenty of health information after the call to jesantha in your accommodation found dead.

The Southern Cross astreriyo (SCA) of the network the "hot 30" radio program to close forever and instead another program ' the bump ' to. that prastotaon of last December and Michael Christian FM 2de Greg was the father of the Queen Elizabeth and Prince William, Kate to gain health information made phone call to risiv. After 46-year-old jesantha in the room, call transfer, where Kate was admitted.

There, another nurse Kate becoming pregnant tour. then he Australian radio worldwide via the public. it three days later i.e. in your accomodation seven jesantha on December found dead after his death prastotaon. of critique both. after which stopped transmission of the hot 30. jesantha, krishchayan and Greg sarvajinak after a while statement. Both apologised for his kargujariyon.