Tuesday, January 29, 2013

Australia broadcasting programme

Indian nurse jesantha after one and a half months to close by saldanha suicide in Australia broadcasting programme of "naughty phone 2de FM ' radio station has stopped forever. significantly, the British King Edward midlatan dachej of Cambridge hospitalized Kate plenty of health information after the call to jesantha in your accommodation found dead.

The Southern Cross astreriyo (SCA) of the network the "hot 30" radio program to close forever and instead another program ' the bump ' to. that prastotaon of last December and Michael Christian FM 2de Greg was the father of the Queen Elizabeth and Prince William, Kate to gain health information made phone call to risiv. After 46-year-old jesantha in the room, call transfer, where Kate was admitted.

There, another nurse Kate becoming pregnant tour. then he Australian radio worldwide via the public. it three days later i.e. in your accomodation seven jesantha on December found dead after his death prastotaon. of critique both. after which stopped transmission of the hot 30. jesantha, krishchayan and Greg sarvajinak after a while statement. Both apologised for his kargujariyon.

Thursday, January 17, 2013

Mumbai attacks

In the year 2008 a terrorist group responsible for the Mumbai attacks, Lashkar-e-taiyba to help yalainds a paper "of delivering and Denmark on charges of plotting to attack posten" u.s. Court and sentenced to 14 years jail tahavvur Rana, the newspaper was the Prophet Muhammad's controversial cartoon RAID.

Sharon and his fellow Pakistani-origin Canadian citizen, let terror and one of the main accused of the Mumbai attacks, David Coleman held the Court of Chicago was convicted in June 2011. though the Mumbai attacks accused Rana join was acquitted from sentence will be held January 24th to hear. it hopes to link Mumbai attacks was being punished but that Rana became public witness against, So that it will punish have hinted at.

Rana of the Chicago Court acquitted from the Mumbai attacks, but Indian investigators accuse Rana are still planted on the set and they are trying him to Mumbai attacks were 172 people died..

Judge of the Central Court sentenced to 14 years by Rana after five years of monitoring the order after Illinois province acting American judgment. Attorney Gary shapiro said it is tough decorating lessons for those who are thinking of terrorist action should the terrorists know them. to help, cannot remain hidden behind curtains and being caught and punished Could not escape.

Earlier prosecutors sentenced to 52-year-old Rana, had sought 30 years, while defence lawyer appealed the sentence of only nine years.

During the court action on the FBI videotape of Rana was held to hear from the Lashkar training.

Rana was also on charges that he held in the branch of your travel agency in Mumbai was opened that held the attacks under the guise of the alleged agents of the same agency besides Denmark as the settlement to air travel.

Six American citizens held in the killing of the Mumbai attack, could get the death penalty, but as a witness against the Rana in the FBI settle the penalty.

-Who is they?

Chicago business is a Canadian citizen of Pakistani origin Rana on Mumbai attacks accused him and Pakistan.-American citizen David Coleman held aka David GILANI and Lashkar-e-taiyba from 2005 to 2009 for a series of money between to.

Tahavvur Hussain Rana in Pakistan-and grew up after the Pakistani medical degree. Army Medical Corps attached. in 2001, Canada's citizenship policy and its port Rana. port policy is his doctor. in 2009 before the arrest in Chicago of the US city Rana. he indulged in many, including a travel agency three years ago, Rana's childhood was his friend held in Mumbai Travel agency helped open the branch. the main purpose of this was that the attacks in Mumbai, the business goals of the Mumbai attacks held Recon. involvement in the plot to be accepted.

-How are you?

-October 18, 2009 at her home in Chicago to the FBI, Rana: blocked.

-October 27: FBI affidavit filed by Chicago Court that terror group Lashkar-e-taiyba has declared war on Denmark's newspaper in India and plotting to use held Rana and.

-30 November 2009: Rana clearly deny our complicity in the Mumbai attacks.

January 26, 2010: Rana told the Court argues that 26/11 attack on the Danish newspaper and his No.

9 February 2010: ensuring prompt and fair trial by Rana Court to trial.

-March 11, 2010: Court rejects bail plea of Rana saying that the very serious charges.

-30 March 2010: Rana's lawyer said that his client will face trial.

-April 28, 2010: the Mumbai attack by Rana's public prosecutor and to present evidence.

-August 25, 2010: Rana deferred hearing.

-January 7, 2011: hearing of the case on demand of the defendants postponed until 16 May.

-May 23, 2011: hearing against Rana. prosecutors said Rana held in Mumbai with the help of Reiki and its goals of his photo and video shoot.

-June 7, 2011: FBI has presented to the Court a video of Sharon in which he said that the terrorists attacked Mumbai, the ISI has weapons.

-10 June 2011: 26/11 in case the Court acquitted Rana.

-16 January 2013: Denmark newspaper attack plot and to fund to let convicted of ikttha.

— January 17, 2013: Rana, 14 years after his five-year prison sentence and ordered monitoring.